My Job Search Tips for 2024
My Job Search Tips for 2024
Don’t give a person a fish; teach them how to write a resume! Learn how to make your own resume using these tips from Professional Resume Writers and Career Coaches from The Perfect Resume team. Create a CV or resume that can guarantee you a high interview success rate using online tools that wouldn’t cost you a penny! What are you waiting for? Dive in and start writing your resume now!
Job search in 2024 is going to be resume-driven. The pandemic is still lurking but it's impact on the workforce is minimal. Consequently, as companies continue to encourage more people to work from the office, instead of working from home, they are conducting resume-based screening to identify qualified candidates. Therefore, your resume is your key to getting noticed by employers and landing interviews. To write an effective resume or CV, you need to understand what employers are looking for and how to craft a resume that will grab their attention. Therefore, it’s more important than ever to have a strong resume.
Here are my job search tips on how to write a resume for your 2024 job search:
- Dust off your existing resume or compile a list of your work experiences.
- Know your target job or industry before you start writing your resume.
- Look for keywords from your dream job ad or position description which can be added to your resume.
- Start with a readable, industry-appropriate, and ATS-friendly resume template.
- Showcase what you have achieved on your resume through tangible metrics and figures.
- Make sure to proofread your resume before sending it off to employers.
- Don’t send out the same resume twice.
Do you need help formatting your resume to secure the job of your dreams? Say no more! Just make sure to have these 6 resume sections!

Knowing how to make a resume that will land you the job is essential in today’s competitive job market. By including these parts on your CV or resume, you can be sure that you’re on your way to impressing employers and landing the role you want!
Still feeling stuck? Check out our resume gallery to get inspired by resume examples from real professionals! The Perfect Resume team showcases resume designs proven to land interviews!
Your Job Hunt Doesn’t Have to be Daunting if you Know how to Write a Resume
In today’s job market, it is more important than ever to know how to write a resume that will stand out from the competition. With so many people applying for jobs, and with employers often receiving hundreds of applications for a single position, you need to make sure that your resume is able to grab attention and make a good impression.
Fortunately, writing a resume doesn’t have to be daunting. By following a few simple tips, you can create a resume that is professional, well-written, and tailored to the specific job you are applying for.
1. Dust off your existing resume or compile a list of your work experiences.
If you already have a resume, start your writing process by dusting off your existing CV. It’s time to take it out and give it a good once-over. However, many people new to job search don’t have a resume or CV yet. Therefore, if you’re in the ‘no-resume’ category, don’t worry! Take the time to contemplate and list down your work experiences, no matter how short they may be. You can also include the following non-professional experiences on your resume:
- Volunteering
- Internships
- Student Leadership Roles
By collating all your experiences—professional and non-professional—you’ll have a better chance of including resume content that will make you an attractive job candidate.
2. Know your target job or industry before you start writing your resume.
When you know what job or industry you’re targeting, it will be easier for you to determine which resume format or design to use and what resume information is relevant. For example, if you’re applying for a position in the education sector, listing your extensive teaching experience will obviously be more important than highlighting your bartending skills (no matter how great you are at making cocktails). On the other hand, if you’re looking for a job in hospitality, your bartending skills could give you an edge over the competition.
Here are some tips from The Perfect Resume expert on how to make a resume that is tailored to the job or industry you are after:
- Do your research. Use the internet or invest time in reading industry-specific news! This will help you develop a deeper understanding of your target industry and connection to your dream job. On top of that, you’ll be able to assess which specific skills and experiences are important and must reflect on your resume.
- Speak to industry experts. If you want to learn more about what content to include on your CV or resume, why not talk to people who are already working in your dream industry or job? If you know someone who works in the field or company you’re interested in or even career coaches with a proven track record of helping job seekers like you, reach out and ask for advice. This is a great way to learn more about what it’s really like to work in a particular industry or position and to find out what skills and experience are essential.
- Network. No man is an island; connecting with peers and colleagues is a great way to learn more about an industry or company you’re interested in. Therefore, allocate time to attending industry events or functions related to your target job—not only will this help you gain a better understanding of what the role entails and align your resume, but it will also allow you to make valuable contacts that could help you land your dream job.
Remember, before you can give, you must first receive. So, if you want your resume to be impressive and tailored to the specific job you’re applying for, it is essential that you take the time to learn more about the role and industry first.
3. Look for keywords from your dream job ad or position description which can be added to your resume.
When employers advertise a job, they will often list the specific skills and qualities they are looking for in an ideal candidate. These are known as resume keywords, and by including them in your resume, you’re increasing the chances of your resume being noticed—and ultimately chosen—by the hiring manager.
Here are some tips on how to find resume keywords:
- Read the job ad or position description carefully and highlight the resume keywords.
- Make a list of synonyms for each keyword. For example, if ‘communication’ is a resume keyword, some possible synonyms could be ‘interpersonal skills, ‘Written Communication’, or ‘Verbal Communication.’
- Sprinkle the resume keywords throughout your CV, including in the Skills section, Work Experience section, and Education section. However, don’t stuff your resume with keywords as this will make it difficult to read and could flag up as keyword stuffing to resume screening software.
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