Addressing Selection Criteria Examples | The Perfect Resume

Public sector, universities and many large corporations with heavy competition require a Key Selection Criteria (KSC) to be completed as part of the application process. The selection criteria is primarily about the practical key skills and educational theory needed to perform successfully in the given position. Most selection criteria contain five to eight scenarios that ask you to demonstrate your expertise.
Don't make a common mistake and think you will submit an application without completing the selection criteria. You simply will be wasting your time. Even if you have the best skills and education on offer, not completing the selection criteria will get you cut from the selection process immediately.
When writing your selection criteria, it is essential the writing is of the highest standard. Free of all grammatical and spelling errors and relevant to the position.
If you are serious about wanting to gain a position email us for some advice first.
If you are wanting to write the selection criteria yourself, the STAR (Specific, Task, Actions, Results) process is good, however a CAR (Challenge overcome, Actions undertaken and Results achieved) method is better.
Example communication selection criteria for a nurse
An ability to communicate (speak) effectively with colleagues and patients
As a nurse, I am required to communicate effectively with patients with language barriers on a daily basis and utilise effective active listening skills. I promptly gain a good rapport with nursing staff, patients, relatives and the community. Communicate clearly and concisely, speak discreetly and with tact especially especially when discussing sensitive information, for example, a chronic disease or a terminal illness. Identify the patient's health and well being needs, clarify information, and provide solutions. I also relay effective messages in regards to their preference's. When conversing with patients, I maintain their privacy and confidentiality. Build professional working relationships by listening respectfully and accommodating individualism. When conducting activities of daily living, I am friendly, courteous and helpful, effectively supporting people of diverse backgrounds to overcome language barriers while lifting their mood with a smile.