Resume & Interview Tips for Job Seekers
Find out how to make your resume stand out and ace your job interviews with these resume and interview tips for job seekers. Learn how to present yourself as the perfect candidate for any job and get the career you've been dreaming of.
Resume and Interview Tips: How long do you wait for an interview call?
You have been in job search mode for a while. You found the perfect job. You eagerly put in your application. One day, a week, a month goes by without a word. You give up! Does this sound like you?
The length of time between an application and being called for an interview can be one day to several months. Expressions of interest are the most notorious for taking a mind-boggling amount of time.
How long should you wait for an interview call?
Here are some tips to help put your mind at ease.
- Check the job closing date. Generally, candidates won't hear anything until 1-2 weeks after the closing date. This is to ensure the manager gets the best opportunity to capture the most amount of talent. Some positions are open for a month or longer.
- Government positions can be slower as they have more quality checks, including selection criteria etc.
- Senior positions can be up to a month after the job closing date.
- Recruitment agencies are pretty quick. They want to close the job and move onto the next one!
How can you find out if you have been shortlisted for an interview or not?
If you haven't received an unsuccessful email, there are four reasons for this:
- You are successful and they haven't contacted you yet to line up an interview.
- You are unsuccessful but your resume/email address doesn't pass through the Applicant tracking (ATS) filters, therefore, the system doesn't know where to send your unsuccessful email to.
- You are unsuccessful but the HR department is still working on a manual system and relies on a busy recruiter to send out manual emails.
- The recruiter/hiring manager hasn't made any decisions yet.
Resume and Interview Tips: What can you do to speed up the process?
Nothing! However, you can find out where they are up to in the process. If you haven't heard about a job within 1-2 weeks after the job closes there is no harm whatsoever in calling the recruiter to find out if they have made any decisions on the shortlist. This shows you are eager and will generally secure you a shortlisted position if they haven’t already made a selection.
If you don't feel confident to call, although you still want to show your eagerness you can send the recruiter an email. See the template below:
Subject line [Insert position title]
Hi [Insert recruiter’s name], I hope you’re having an amazing day! I applied for the [insert title] position on [insert date] and I haven’t heard whether I have been shortlisted or not. I understand these processes take time, however, I do believe I have the skills and experiences available to be a great candidate for the role. Please let me know if there’s anything else I can provide to assist in the decision-making process. Yours sincerely, [Insert your name] M: [Insert mobile number] E: [Insert email address] |
What happens if I receive a generic response?
Luckily, The Perfect Resume clients have a 76% chance of receiving a call for an interview. If you haven't used our services, your industry average is a 2.6% chance of getting a call for an interview. If you receive a generic response from a recruiter, it will generally mean the recruiter is either telling the truth or avoiding giving you feedback to say otherwise.
Managing Burnout: Essential Steps to Recharge and Restore Balance
If you're feeling burnout, it's crucial to prioritise self-care and manage your workload effectively. Start by taking regular breaks and ensuring you get enough rest each night. Engage in activities that recharge you, whether it's exercise, hobbies, or spending time with loved ones. Reflect on your priorities and consider delegating tasks if possible. Establish clear boundaries to protect your personal time from work demands. Seek support from colleagues or a mentor to discuss workload concerns and explore strategies for managing stress. Remember, addressing burnout early can prevent more serious issues and help you regain balance and motivation in your work and life. Click here to read a great blog from Molly Flexwell about managing burnout.
If you have received an unsuccessful email, read Handling Unsuccessful Emails | The Perfect Resume to find out how to address that situation! If you would like your resume reviewed for free please email it to info@theperfectresume.com.au and we can give you some honest feedback.
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