Many government positions, universities and large corporate entities have a high demand for positions. To reduce the number of candidates applying for a role, employers request selection criteria to be addressed. The selection criteria document is in addition to a tailored cover letter and put simply, it is a listing of desirable and essential knowledge, skills and attitudes that an organisation requires the successful candidate to possess.
Are you applying for a job that needs selection criteria addressed? Make no mistake; this is a critical part of your job application that you need to get right. Using the STAR technique, we work together and address each criteria specifically, aligning to the hiring managers expectations.

Going to an interview can be a daunting experience. You are under the spotlight in front of a panel of strangers, do most of the talking for a long time, expected to answer questions that you have not prepared for or even feel relevant. By looking at the position description, we create a list of potential, experience-based questions. This allows you to have a collection of examples ready to demonstrate your skills and expertise quickly. We also eliminate any anxieties you may have, discussing the desired appearance, body language, and how to impress the panel.

Career counselling can range from getting that promotion, supporting you through redundancy, changing your career or even just some help with your current role. This is a tailored experience unique to you. We look at your career history, identify what you have enjoyed and disliked then set goals, guiding you on a pathway to a future that you can enjoy. We can also investigate the barriers getting in between you and where you want to be.